Jewey Jewison or Chris Christianson
So I was spending time on the phone today speaking with Catholic Schools about doing health and wellness workshops. Education is a big part of what I do as a Chiropractor, and there are lots of Catholic Schools around my office.
Perhaps I suffer from the Woody Allen syndrome of Jewish Paranoia (a la Annie Hall)- Did you eat? no Jew? not did you but jew! Jew eat?

Now while I got two different talks set up (Go Adam!), One of the principals I spoke to said that aside from being approved by the board, that I had to be Catholic AND that she wasn't going to ask me since it was none of her business.
Now I interpreted that as meaning she figured a name like Sidenberg wasn't exactly a good roman catholic name, but that she wasn't going to call me on it.
However, where do they get off discriminating who can speak inside a school? Especially since these are publicly funded schools! And another thing, why is it that catholic schools are covered by the government, but private hebrew school (or any other private religous school) isn't?
These however, were not questions I brought up on the phone with the lovely principal from our lady of the immaculate conception (I thought that was Maddona)
Perhaps I suffer from the Woody Allen syndrome of Jewish Paranoia (a la Annie Hall)- Did you eat? no Jew? not did you but jew! Jew eat?

Now while I got two different talks set up (Go Adam!), One of the principals I spoke to said that aside from being approved by the board, that I had to be Catholic AND that she wasn't going to ask me since it was none of her business.
Now I interpreted that as meaning she figured a name like Sidenberg wasn't exactly a good roman catholic name, but that she wasn't going to call me on it.
However, where do they get off discriminating who can speak inside a school? Especially since these are publicly funded schools! And another thing, why is it that catholic schools are covered by the government, but private hebrew school (or any other private religous school) isn't?
These however, were not questions I brought up on the phone with the lovely principal from our lady of the immaculate conception (I thought that was Maddona)

Go speak there just to spite them. They're not going to ask you? you don't have to tell! ;)
Blog, at 9:39 PM
Here's another comment. you're just starting out... :). Not that I have anything against Catholic schools, but it's wrong of them to discriminate like that and, in turn, teach the students there to discriminate or only value other Catholics. Very narrow-minded for a, yes, publicly funded school. Appalling....
Blog, at 9:40 PM
It's that silly thing called the constitution. Not that there isn't a lot wrong with that and why education was set up the way it was but I digress.
I'm a Protestant and I teach in a Catholic School. This would never ever happen, but I have special talents :) Apparently I cannot vote for school commisioners in the upcoming election because I'm not Catholic and forget letting me teach Religion. They also regulate whom I can live with. How is any of this in line with Canadian values ?
So go fight !
p-s I would comment with my site but I'm really paranoid about getting dooced, being non-Catholic and all !
Anonymous, at 9:55 AM
immaculate conception? That's a good one!
Haley-O sent me!
Anonymous, at 2:03 PM
I agree with the anon comment... I'd bring it up with the school board, or trustee. Total discrimination.
As for it being in the constitution... That thing is pretty out-dated nowadays. Back in 1867 in made sense to fund catholic schools as everyone was catholic. Now, no one should have funded schools. You want schoolinbg specific to your religion, you pay for it!
Urban Daddy, at 9:18 PM
Still being all paranoid and anon over here. I know the constitution is old, but still relevant as we can't seem to agree on a new one. As well, the school boards where divided between Protestants and Catholics because religion was more important that linguistics in 1867.
I don't know if I believe that all schools of religious denomination should be funded or if none should be funded. I realize it's important for cultural identity but I like when children are exposed to other ideas and cultures as well.
Anonymous, at 9:55 AM
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