If you want to find all the cops, they're hanging out in the donut shop
So tomorrow is a big day for he who moves strong. I've got an interview at Canadian Tire. No, I'm not giving up chiropractic to work in the seasonal department, but am applying to be their in-house chiropractor for the head office. I'm preparing for the big interview and am feeling great. I'll try to use the word "Mastercraft" as often as possible. Should probably keep the profanity to a minimum. Perhaps I'll also burn a manequin wearing a home depot apron in effigy- I think that would lock up the gig!
"Help is close to home"

I got tagged by my good friend, the uber coolCheaty Monkey .
It's sort of a coming of age as a blogger (good god that's a terrible word), so here I go.
I’m supposed to reveal 9 weird things about myself.
So, In no particular order-
1) I'm working on changing this as I do more and more public speaking, but when I present, if I'm not thinking about it, I say most sentances like questions. "I'm Ron Burgendy?"

2) I love new socks. I was in the habit of buying $20 Smartwool socks. It's like always wearing a new cushy pair.
Little known fact, Trey and Matt worked into their Southpark The Movie Contract with Paramount a year's supply of new athletic socks. step on a drop of water- new pair!!
3) I had a cottage cheese addiction. Before the detox when I cut out dairy and processed food, i'd go through 5 cartons of low fat cottage cheese a week. Did you know that one serving (1/4 carton) has almost 500 mg of sodium? That's as much salt as in soup! For those of you who don't know, that's a lot of salt- Nerd alert?
4) In my wedding pictures, the group picture looks like I am the best man, and my best man Soft Taco (names changed to protect the innocent) is marrying my wife. Many believe that this was not an accident on Soft Taco's part
5) In the same physics class that Soft Taco took that name as a nickname (to check test marks), I took the code name Vanity Smurf.

6) I have an almost Rainman-like memory for where and with whom I saw just about every movie I've ever seen-including small details. Witness? Yorkdale in the old-old theatres on Passover with my mom. Matzah had made me consitpated. Checkmate.
7) As a five year old, I cut off my pointer finger of my left hand at the last nuckle, and had it sewn back on. The joint doesn't bend, but I can still "crack" the nuckle.....Adjust- we don't crack.
8) I was totally obsessed with Expos and Mets -now hall of fame catcher Gary Carter growing up. I have over 100 of his cards. For my Bar Mitzvah, my Dad sent him a letter asking for his autograph, and in addition to a signed pic, he sent a card detailing his favorite psalm (the p is silent) and love of Jesus. He is a born again christian. I figured I was the only Jewish kid who has that card. I thought it was ironic

9) I still, after all these years have a crush on my number one secret girlfriend Susanna Hoffs from the Bangles (Sorry Natalie P.- no that's too obvious, N. Portman). The Bangles are actually my first concert, and I still love her voice on Walk like an Egyptian- Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh (the actual lyric).

And one for good luck
10) I don’t know if this makes me weird, but I would still tour around with the Dead, or any version thereof if I could (ie. Sans responsibility, mortgage, practice, child). I even have to say, that I would probably be one of those parents with my kid at the show (if it wouldn’t mean an immediate divorce from my non- dead head wife – “those people scare me”). That’s probably the weird part.

When I saw the dead in Buffalo this summer someone had their bugaboo up on the lawn…. “isn’t that quaint” I thought.
So there i am. Thanks for the tag Cheaty.
"Help is close to home"

I got tagged by my good friend, the uber cool
It's sort of a coming of age as a blogger (good god that's a terrible word), so here I go.
I’m supposed to reveal 9 weird things about myself.
So, In no particular order-
1) I'm working on changing this as I do more and more public speaking, but when I present, if I'm not thinking about it, I say most sentances like questions. "I'm Ron Burgendy?"

2) I love new socks. I was in the habit of buying $20 Smartwool socks. It's like always wearing a new cushy pair.
Little known fact, Trey and Matt worked into their Southpark The Movie Contract with Paramount a year's supply of new athletic socks. step on a drop of water- new pair!!
3) I had a cottage cheese addiction. Before the detox when I cut out dairy and processed food, i'd go through 5 cartons of low fat cottage cheese a week. Did you know that one serving (1/4 carton) has almost 500 mg of sodium? That's as much salt as in soup! For those of you who don't know, that's a lot of salt- Nerd alert?
4) In my wedding pictures, the group picture looks like I am the best man, and my best man Soft Taco (names changed to protect the innocent) is marrying my wife. Many believe that this was not an accident on Soft Taco's part
5) In the same physics class that Soft Taco took that name as a nickname (to check test marks), I took the code name Vanity Smurf.

6) I have an almost Rainman-like memory for where and with whom I saw just about every movie I've ever seen-including small details. Witness? Yorkdale in the old-old theatres on Passover with my mom. Matzah had made me consitpated. Checkmate.
7) As a five year old, I cut off my pointer finger of my left hand at the last nuckle, and had it sewn back on. The joint doesn't bend, but I can still "crack" the nuckle.....Adjust- we don't crack.
8) I was totally obsessed with Expos and Mets -now hall of fame catcher Gary Carter growing up. I have over 100 of his cards. For my Bar Mitzvah, my Dad sent him a letter asking for his autograph, and in addition to a signed pic, he sent a card detailing his favorite psalm (the p is silent) and love of Jesus. He is a born again christian. I figured I was the only Jewish kid who has that card. I thought it was ironic

9) I still, after all these years have a crush on my number one secret girlfriend Susanna Hoffs from the Bangles (Sorry Natalie P.- no that's too obvious, N. Portman). The Bangles are actually my first concert, and I still love her voice on Walk like an Egyptian- Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh (the actual lyric).

And one for good luck
10) I don’t know if this makes me weird, but I would still tour around with the Dead, or any version thereof if I could (ie. Sans responsibility, mortgage, practice, child). I even have to say, that I would probably be one of those parents with my kid at the show (if it wouldn’t mean an immediate divorce from my non- dead head wife – “those people scare me”). That’s probably the weird part.

When I saw the dead in Buffalo this summer someone had their bugaboo up on the lawn…. “isn’t that quaint” I thought.
So there i am. Thanks for the tag Cheaty.
Well, you are one heck of a weirdo! But, that's why we get along so well! I'm LAUGHING that you were addicted to cottage cheese (even though I knew that already). LOVE Ron Burgundy (and Will Ferrell). Thought you had the hots for with Natalie Portman?
Anonymous, at 12:43 AM
vanity smurf huh? We'll see if that rings true as I continue to read your posts.
Anonymous, at 1:12 PM
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