Daddy's taking us to the Zoo today
Tourism continues!!
Zoo day for Daddy and the little bear.

We jumped in the car and headed to scarberia.
Lots of walking today for papa bear. Plus I left the bugaboo (name brand strollers only people) at home and slinged it up for the day. lots and lots of walking. Mental note.
We made visited the Americas pavilion and animals first, and had a great experience with the polar bears. It went into the water and played ans swam around for us, and I (playing the role of asian tourist) got great pictures.

The we saw some llamas (the second L is silent), jaguars (the cats, not the cars), and made our way to the rhinos, oragutans, and tigers. Awesome stuff. The little one LOVES animals, and had a blast.

There is also a kid's discovery zone which closed at the end of Octotber, but which looks like uber fun for the munchkin.
It's funny how these are the first places that I check out at attractions now - How is your interactive learning zone?
Tourism expert Dr. Adam, recommends the zoo as a definite visit, and on the way out, used today's admission towards a membership. Considering one visit is 19 bucks and a dual membership is only 110. Done and done!
You get free zoomobile rides with the membership, so you can get on board, head out to the area you like (without wasting the precious time walking) and then head back. Plus free parking until March! Adam likey!!
Also, it's just a nice place to be and walk around. Fresh air, Rouge Valley- a class act all around.
The plan for Saturday is the Art Gallery
My what a world class city we live in!
Where have I heard that before? Who told me that all the time? Who could it have been?
Zoo day for Daddy and the little bear.
We jumped in the car and headed to scarberia.
Lots of walking today for papa bear. Plus I left the bugaboo (name brand strollers only people) at home and slinged it up for the day. lots and lots of walking. Mental note.
We made visited the Americas pavilion and animals first, and had a great experience with the polar bears. It went into the water and played ans swam around for us, and I (playing the role of asian tourist) got great pictures.

The we saw some llamas (the second L is silent), jaguars (the cats, not the cars), and made our way to the rhinos, oragutans, and tigers. Awesome stuff. The little one LOVES animals, and had a blast.

There is also a kid's discovery zone which closed at the end of Octotber, but which looks like uber fun for the munchkin.
It's funny how these are the first places that I check out at attractions now - How is your interactive learning zone?
Tourism expert Dr. Adam, recommends the zoo as a definite visit, and on the way out, used today's admission towards a membership. Considering one visit is 19 bucks and a dual membership is only 110. Done and done!
You get free zoomobile rides with the membership, so you can get on board, head out to the area you like (without wasting the precious time walking) and then head back. Plus free parking until March! Adam likey!!
Also, it's just a nice place to be and walk around. Fresh air, Rouge Valley- a class act all around.
The plan for Saturday is the Art Gallery
My what a world class city we live in!
Where have I heard that before? Who told me that all the time? Who could it have been?

Mel fits right in there with the zoo animals, doesn't he!? Glad you guys had fun. Josh has refused to go to the zoo, damn it. He says he hates it. He doesn't realize that it's all about the Monkey now -- so it doesn't matter whether he likes it or not!!!! ;) Love the pic of the munchkin's little head!
Blog, at 4:04 PM
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