I’m 15 all over again…only without the angst or isolation
Continuing on with my purchase of ZooTV, I picked up Roger Waters’ Wall live in Berlin.

Theatrical rock is lots of fun. What’s especially cool is the size and scope of this concert. It’s gigantic. The stage is 600 feet long, which is really long, and they had huge inflatable puppets. Plus they stopped taking tickets past 250,000 people – which is a big crowd!

Plus the spectacle of the stage version of the wall- They’re actually building the wall to completely cover the atage through the whole first act. Play in front and behind the wall for the second act,
then at the end, after the trial they rip the whole thing down. Uber cool!

Plus it’s so cool how the bigger the wall gets, the deeper he falls into his isolation and craziness.
But that’s not all
Rick Danko and Levon Helm from The Band sing excellent harmony on Mother and Comfortably Numb.
Plus Garth Hudson is playing Sax solos……sweet.

Van Morrison singing the chorus on comfortably numb is awesome!!
Cyndi Lauper on Brick in the Wall (part 2) is so so, but the music more than makes up for it.
What’s it called when each member of the band takes a solo. There has to be a concise term. But I digress.
So I’m listening to the wall again.
God damn that’s a good album. So many tremendous musical transitions and in between song moments. I listened to this album and memorized it when I was about 15-16 years old. I had a theory that every guy went through a Wall phase at some point in his teenage years. It was that kind of album. Teenagerhood is tough. Remember yours? Do you want to? I think that’s when so many of us found our diversions and interests. For me it was music and movies. Think back to Saturday nights in high school. I spent a lot of time at Videoflicks in Thornhill with my buddies picking out piles of videotapes. Girls were not to be found, much to our dismay. But I digress.
Anyway, I’ve really been digging watching concert movies, as it allows me to appreciate the music on a different level.
For any pink floyd or big-concert fans, this is a great pick up.

Theatrical rock is lots of fun. What’s especially cool is the size and scope of this concert. It’s gigantic. The stage is 600 feet long, which is really long, and they had huge inflatable puppets. Plus they stopped taking tickets past 250,000 people – which is a big crowd!

Plus the spectacle of the stage version of the wall- They’re actually building the wall to completely cover the atage through the whole first act. Play in front and behind the wall for the second act,

Plus it’s so cool how the bigger the wall gets, the deeper he falls into his isolation and craziness.
But that’s not all
Rick Danko and Levon Helm from The Band sing excellent harmony on Mother and Comfortably Numb.

Van Morrison singing the chorus on comfortably numb is awesome!!
Cyndi Lauper on Brick in the Wall (part 2) is so so, but the music more than makes up for it.
So I’m listening to the wall again.
God damn that’s a good album. So many tremendous musical transitions and in between song moments. I listened to this album and memorized it when I was about 15-16 years old. I had a theory that every guy went through a Wall phase at some point in his teenage years. It was that kind of album. Teenagerhood is tough. Remember yours? Do you want to? I think that’s when so many of us found our diversions and interests. For me it was music and movies. Think back to Saturday nights in high school. I spent a lot of time at Videoflicks in Thornhill with my buddies picking out piles of videotapes. Girls were not to be found, much to our dismay. But I digress.
Anyway, I’ve really been digging watching concert movies, as it allows me to appreciate the music on a different level.
For any pink floyd or big-concert fans, this is a great pick up.
Hmmm....VideoFlicks in Thornhill... Good times. ;)
Blog, at 10:12 PM
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